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More Real Estate Coming Soon

What is the perfect time to sell a house? Anytime, don't believe they myth of homes don't sell in the winter. While some people are on holiday break, other's are looking for a new place to set up roots!

Are you looking for grants and and down payment help? What are interest rates in your state? (I have lenders I refer for that :) 

Please feel free to reach out with any real estate related questions you have! I'd be more than happy to share my opinion and refer you to a attorney or specialist.


Brilynn Enomoto 


Keller Williams West Ventura County

C: 562.833.1803

Home Deck
Modern Bathroom_edited.jpg
If you have any questions about home buying, home selling or renting in Los Angeles or Ventura County; fill out the form below with any features or specific needs/wants! 

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